Monday, March 26, 2012

Just Sleeves

A while back I was talking to my Aunt Kelly about if there was anything I could knit for her that she would want and use.  She said sleeves!  There are times when her arms get cold, but putting on a sweatshirt or something makes her too warm.  She just needed sleeves.  So that's what I did!  I used Dream in Color Classy yarn in a mix of red and black, since those are colors that Kelly likes.  I made the sleeves in a simple K2, P2 rib about 13 inches long. This picture was with one sleeve finished and the other nearly finished.

Monday, March 19, 2012

First Ever Clothing!

Last week I finished my first ever knitted garment!  I chose something fairly simple for my first piece of clothing, so I purposely wanted something without sleeves.  It took me a long time to complete this project because I kept setting it aside to work on other things, but I was thrilled to finally finish it.  I used Cascade 220 and the pattern is called Cherry Bomb.  Here I'm showing it off at River City Yarns!